September 25, 2009 journal, the deception continues as we near the end this day of grace. Pittsburgh is shut down for the G 20 summit using teargas on their demonstrators. What are they doing that brings on such rebellion? Why are they so afraid of the people? What right do they have to shut down a public city? Even the banks are closed and I guess they need to get used to that situation because I believe they will all be closed very soon now. A census taker is killed in West Virginia with the word F-e-d carved on his chest. They can not wait till next year to take the Census, they are already coming around and taking your picture to position you on satellite. Are all the census takers employed by ACORN? "The Federal Reserve is a corporation. It has issued stock which is owned by the member banks. The member banks that own the Federal Reserve stock are private corporations." If word gets out about the Federal Reserve being a shyster Corp., then people may not be so understanding or silent. This is the hotbed of the Illuminati and celebrating its birthday of 1776 manifested on the American dollar bill. Many pagan gods are celebrated on the dollar bill including Osiris the Masonic god from Egypt celebrated as their sun god & the pyramid with the "All Seeing Eye" illuminating symbolic image of the fearless Illuminati. This is an economic summit of the world's 20 most industrialized and the richest nations. It includes the oil producing nations I think. It may serve to help destroy U.S. currency. Things are spinning as though they were all in a whirlwind now and changing every day for the worst. U.S. Congress is getting very high tempered and losing all their patience. It seems the public option is so a person can choose standard government health-care. That means the government would insure that person the same as Medicare does now. The Republican corporations want a monopoly as they have had all along to get richer. Forget health insurance because it is corrupt and does not pay their claims as they claim. Finally people may listen to Michael Moore's movie coming out October 2 and entitled "Capitalism, A Love Story". It is about where the bailout $ money went or did not go. Although it is funny it is really not funny when people have lost their jobs & homes while Wall Street just got a lot richer. Fox News might as well shut up about Michael Moore. This movie is about to educate the general public on how corrupt the neocons really are. The banks cannot stand light of day on their crooked dealings and robbery of American people. Banks are ethnically biased and are sucking the blood of the "gentile" people. You pay them or they will drag your bones through the streets until you wish you had of. We are in bondage to the tribe of Esau whom are above the law in their banking world. The banks and Wall Street are one in the same because they control the currency, it is not U.S. Treasury. The takeover and consolidation of banks is just getting rid of competition. Our church leaders are in gross darkness following the artificial light, Satan, the prince of light and darkness like Harry Potter and his lightning bolt, the illuminating ones of power. What a pity all will be lost that fail to see the Antichrist grip and influence in the modern church. The Lord knows his people and will enlighten them with the truth forever more. Hugo Chavez was on Larry King saying that Bush tried to have him killed in Venezuela. Chavez claims to be a Christian and he may be a Catholic Christian. It would be good for America to listen to all these people who have been browbeaten politically for so long. We have lost focus on what they're guilty of. Read book Open Veins of Latin-American. A report from Thailand that they have discovered a cure for AIDS or at least 30% cured. A later report says they are preparing 3 billion doses to give shots to people so that's what its all about. The medical pharmacy racketeers' jump on it like a fox hunt for your money.